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    Thursday, June 12, 2008

    Suck a Doofus!

    A little email correspondence that hopefully some of you will find humorous…someone? Anyone?

    From: A
    Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 8:56 AM
    To: G
    Subject: Suck a doofus!

    I realized right after I talked about national donut day how that sounds coming out of the office fat girl’s mouth… I swear, I’m not that huge of a heifer.

    From: G
    Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 8:59 AM
    To: A
    Subject: RE: Suck a doofus!

    You shut your mouth!! You are NOT the office fat girl, get real!! Um hello I love food more than shopping, napping, indoor sports, pretty much everything. Food is my friend. I’m so hungover that donuts sound absolutely delicious, why the hell didn’t sandy bring in anything today LOL!!!

    From: A
    Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 9:14 AM
    To: G

    Subject: RE: Suck a doofus!

    I just noticed I wrote “suck a doofus”, not “such a doofus”. Yep, I think that confirms it!


    From: G
    Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 9:15 AM

    To: A
    Subject: RE: Suck a doofus!

    i think that may be my new favorite insult….’suck a doofus!’
    when is egg mcmuffin day, I’m totally down for that too!

    From: A
    Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 10:12 AM
    To: G
    Subject: RE: Suck a doofus!

    I like it!

    Sadly, I don’t think there is an egg mcmuffin day, which sucks because that is the ULTIMATE hangover breakfast.

    I think we should make one. And spread the word. Maybe, Mc Donald’s could pay us for the advertisement. And we could be rich and quit…
    Ah, who am I kidding, We should just go stuff our pie holes with Greasy, gooey, delicious egg mcmuffins and shout “suck a doofus!” at anyone who looks at us the wrong way.


    Kids these days...

    You know, sometimes, I am fairly certain that my children are fully capable of transforming into Goblins straight out of the movie