Welcome to the Family Conlan James! As I mentioned in a post a bit ago, my sister gave birth last Monday and we all waited on pins and needles to find out what she was going to have. Baby Boy Conlan James came into the world weighing 6lbs, 7oz. He was 18 ½ inches long and ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! My sister had been very set on having a girl so, I have visions of lots of dresses and hair clips in this poor boy’s future. I have even been told that as his gender was announced, my mother caught on camera a sheer look of disappointment on Jesseca’s face. I’d love to see that one.

To be honest, I think now that she has him home and named and set up in his handsome little bassinet, she couldn’t be happier that he is a he. Because, when you are working on 3 hours of sleep a night, two children under two during the day, and all the fun that comes with nursing, well, learning the tricks of the trade with a new gender is just one more thing that does not need to go into the works.
I remember flipping out about

having a boy after having a girl! That was not a cool game to play. Its no big deal now but when you throw hormones out of whack, put your body through the most excruciating workout its ever experienced and then take away all sleep there after, its not nice to throw new plumbing into the game. It was a miracle I never got peed on. I am still not sure how that happened.
An even bigger miracle is that Lexi did not KILL Mateo in his first week of life. She really wanted to, I know. She would slip back and forth between cuddling him and

trying to smash his skull in with her sippy cup. It’s an amazing thing, that soft head that babies are born with. Its like nature knew that older siblings would not be receptive to this new adventure called baby brother.
I hope that Jess and Denver experience better luck with Haiden and Conlan than I did with my two little ragamuffins. Congrats, you guys!