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    Wednesday, April 1, 2009

    The Difference Between Moms and Dads

    Yesterday was a teacher work day for my kids’ preschool and so I stayed home with them. I booked all their needed doctor and dentist appointments for the morning and then many more activities. We did all the appointments by 10 and then had breakfast, met up with a friend, and headed to the zoo. By noon, we were at Walmart, and then off to the grocery store. I ran the kids around until they were starving and hungry. I brought them home, fed them lunch, and put them down for naps. While they slept, I did 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and put away all of our purchases. I even managed to get in a little lunch for myself.
    I was completely wiped out by the time Ruben got home but he immediately laid down for a nap. A new challenge arose: keeping the kids entertained quietly so daddy could sleep.

    When he woke up the kids were so excited to tell him all about their day and the zoo. “Mmhhmm… that’s nice” he would say as he paid attention to anything else.

    While I was making dinner, Mateo ran to Ruben and said, “Look Daddy! Look! I’ve got monies!!”
    “Good job Mateo…” Ruben trailed off. It was clearly his turn to watch the kids but he was doing everything but that.

    “Mateo, can I see your monies?” I asked from the kitchen.
    “Yea! Mommy, look!”

    Inside a little box he had the ENTIRE contents of Ruben’s wallet. Money, credit cards, Mexican pesos…EVERYTHING.

    “Oh, Wow! Mateo! This is great! Can I have your money and cards so I can give them back to the right person?” I asked.

    “Sure, sure…its Daddy’s” Mateo said, handing over his prize.

    “I thought it might be – I’ll make sure he gets what he needs” I said with a wink and a thought of a swift kick in the butt.

    So, I am wondering how long it will take Ruben to put the two together and how far he’s going to get today on an empty wallet because I am not giving those things back to him until he figures it out! Maybe then he will pay attention.

    Oh who am I kidding?!? That’s the difference between Moms and Dads!