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    Saturday, May 31, 2008

    So, as promised, here's a bit more updated photo of the kids and me. We were in St. Maartin, the first port of a beautiful cruise in April of this year. I know you're jealous, I can feel it. I just don't know if you are more jealous of the cruise or the fact that we have mastered the ability to get our kids to sit in their strollers even though they are old enough to know better.

    And here is a picture of little man and me. Aren't we cheesy?

    I swear, this boy would be my shadow if he could! Didn't they
    cut the umbilical cord 2 years ago?

    And another super-cheesy picture of Lexi and I from back in the DARK brown hair hair days...

    Kind of heavy, huh?

    See...I promised new photos...

    and as a grand finale:

    Ruben at the entrance for the nude beach in St. Maarten.
    Pinching the girl's butt, of course!

    Wednesday, May 28, 2008

    A Hairy Situation

    For my entire marriage my husband has been clear about wanting me to forever look exactly as I did when he met me. Of course, that meant to me that I should change my look in every way imaginable to see if I could make myself even MORE desirable to him. It was simple in my mind, he just didn’t know what he really liked so, I cut off all my waist-length blonde hair and I changed make-up, I experimented with every tone of blonde dye there was, I got tattoos, and piercings, and you name it, I changed it at least 3 different ways. And this past year was no different.

    This last time, I asked Ruben how he wanted me to style my hair next and having had very poor luck telling me to leave it alone, he told me to dye it dark – very dark. Not recognizing his reverse psychology, I did just that. I went to the salon and told my stylist to give me the darkest brown my complexion could handle. Boy was I surprised when I walked out of there 4 hours later looking Italian. I asked Ruben what he thought but he just shrugged the way he always did. So, I kept it up for four months. Finally, I was ready to go back – back to the way I looked when we got married. So, I went to the salon again but this time, my stylist, damn her, was on vacation so, I was seated with the newbie in the salon. She sat me down and asked what I wanted and when I showed her a picture, she immediately excused herself for a moment. Sweat bullets started to pour off my forehead. I had chosen to come in on the day of my birthday party and if this young, frightened chick screwed up my hair I was going to be pissed!

    She returned after 5 or so minutes with the owner of the salon. A woman in her mid 60’s with spiky hair and an apparent urge to belong to Jem and the Rockers, needless to say, she was a bit frightening to look at, almost like a train wreck, terrible but you just can’t bring yourself to look away. She jumped right into my 18 inch comfort zone and said, “this will not be happening today” . My heart sunk. She spent the next half hour arguing with me about the fact that I was not a natural blonde, not now, not ever. She offered me heavy highlights and said to return in 6 weeks for more work.

    I got the heavy highlights because I felt that some blonde would be better than none. I walked out of the salon with white blotches where the bleach had been left too long because – low and behold, I really was a blonde under that dye and the bleach really took. Despite my own insecurities about the look (I thought I looked like an albino leopard had planted itself on my head) I got a ton of compliments.

    I of course, thought I could make it better. I could do what I had wanted because, after all, what would a professional know that I wouldn’t?

    Perhaps that peroxide can lighten hair but not lighten dye?
    I went through 4 boxes of hair dye in one night and sadly ended up with the top 4 inches of my hair an white-orange color and the bottom, no different from how I left the salon. Through the course of the weekend I would dye my hair another two times, finally to a brown to cover all my mistakes and made an appointment to head back to the salon on Saturday.

    I sat and bawled my eyes out at how terribly I had screwed up and my husband just sat there and laughed.

    I went on Saturday and had them put it back EXACTLY the way it was for my birthday.

    5 months later, I’m still slowly adding to the heavy highlights and killing my hair slowly to get it back to what it once was…

    Thursday, May 22, 2008

    Hello...I'm Back

    I haven’t written in – eh, hem – a LONG time and for that I am truly sorry to the whole 3 of you who choose to check me out daily. I have had a disastrous almost year-off writing but from it, comes a lot of great material. I know, I know, you are on the edge of your seats, waiting to cackle at the craziness that seems to seep into my life from every corner but this is meant more to be a “hey, sorry its been so long but I’m here now…” kind of thing.

    I promise, there will be more that is much funnier by the end of the day.
    I suck.
    I apologize.

    And, for the 3 of you who come by every day, thank you for your endless devotion, however misplaced it might be.