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    Friday, July 13, 2007

    Out of the Mouth of Babes

    You never know quite what to expect with my father. I swear, you would think I would know him well enough by now but, no...he comes out of no where with a one of these...

    The other night, I was at a meeting and Ruben was at a meeting and my parents were watching the kids. Now, I expect for them to wrestle and eat ice cream but I would have never guessed what was I would walk into when I went to pick the kids up. Let me paint you a picture. I open the door to see Lexi sitting in front of the TV with "Pa-pa" watching commercials eating raisins, no big deal until she opens her mouth and then...

    Out of the mouth of my 2 1/2 year old comes, "Ooohhh! Nice Rack! Pa-pa, you see the nice rack?" My daughter might be the world's first ever toddler sexist pig. Thank you very much! That's about as acceptable as it was when she started telling everyone, "kiss my ass" about six months ago.

    Can you believe these things come out of such a sweet looking little girl?

    Nope, me either...

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